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To serve you better | Now merging service and customer support with our sister company Liftsafe Engineering and Service Group.

Rotating V Block Roll Handling Unit

Do you need to handle rolls with multiple drop-off locations? R&D Ergo Ltd. has the solution, the Off-Set Rotating “V” Block. With this roll handling unit rolls can be rotated up to 90-degrees. Cross roll handling is achieved by rotating rolls onto spindles or a shaft can be inserted for off-loading to bearing blocks.

Some of the industries which it is suitable for include Manufacturing and Automotive, Food and Beverage, Pharmaceutical and Hospital, Warehouse and Retail industries. So increase your material handling efficiency with this roll handling unit which will allow you to handle rolls with multiple drop-off locations.

The “V” Block with Rollers can handle rolls up to 200 lbs. with the LIFT-O-FLEX 20000 series and up to 300 lbs. with the LIFT-O-FLEX 19000 series

A Guide to Workplace Musculoskeletal Disorders

infographic a guide to workplace
percent of workplace musculoskeletal disorders
graphy cost back injuries alone
The cost of back injuries alone
ic cost back injuries alone

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