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To serve you better | Now merging service and customer support with our sister company Liftsafe Engineering and Service Group.

Metal Sheet Handling

At R&D Ergo Ltd. we recognize the complexities that are associated with Metal Sheet Handling, and those cost reductions at your facility are of critical importance to the competitiveness of your company.

Utilizing vacuum handling technology is the first step to increasing productivity and efficiency, while simultaneously significantly reducing potential workplace injuries. It’s really quite simple: improved material handling results in decreased costs. The solutions we provide follow three distinct design principles: adaptability and flexibility, cost-effective, and long-lasting. Whether the solution you’re looking for is simply lifting, rotating or tilting, at R&D we have the products and expertise to get the job done.

All of our Vacuum Handling solutions either meet or exceed all applicable regulations which include; OSHAANSI and ASME B30.20.

Our Vacuum Handling Solutions Include:

A Guide to Workplace Musculoskeletal Disorders

infographic a guide to workplace
percent of workplace musculoskeletal disorders
graphy cost back injuries alone
The cost of back injuries alone
ic cost back injuries alone

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