MRT-330 Roll Handling System
Valuable products are handled safely because the rolls are turned as quickly as the operator can move. The MRT-330 eliminates the need to “manhandle” heavy loads which help to make your workplace safer while saving you both time and money.
Lift and Turn Roll Handling
Depending on how your rolls are positioned coming off or going on your pallet, these roll handling devices can save your employees time unloading and packaging. The added benefit is that they significantly reduce the risk of repetitive strain, excessive force, awkward motion and awkward posture injuries in the workplace.
- Options & Accessories. Custom Configurations, Mounting Brackets for Hoist Pendants and Controls, Anti-Telescoping Attachment and Expanding Madrels 3″ to 12″
- Gripping Mechanism. Core Gripping, with changing madrel sizes in seconds without the need for tools.
- Movement Manual
- Weight Capacity. 300 lbs
- Design For Lifting and moving rolls weighing up to 300 lbs.
- Controls. Push Buttons
- Safety Features Built-in safety feature controls prevent accidental release of the roll
- Number of Users. 1 User
Portable Roll Lifter
Ergonomic custom design and build of a side mount drive on scissor lift table.
Hoist Based Roll Lifter
This customer needed a solution in order to lift rolls with their hoist/crane.
Roll Handling System
R&D Ergo successfully supplied and installed this roll-lifting solution to one of our amazing customers in the food manufacturing industry located in southern Ontario.
Contact us today in order to start reducing the danger that may be occurring in your workplace!
A Guide to Workplace Musculoskeletal Disorders
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