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To serve you better | Now merging service and customer support with our sister company Liftsafe Engineering and Service Group.

Tip Module Roll Handling Unit

The Tip Module attachment is designed to offer an additional axis of movement for roll handling devices, which allows for the elevation change necessary for load drop off and pick-up. 

The Tip Module can be mounted to many custom or standard roll handling units. This roll handling attachment is used to pick up a wide variety of items including rolls, electronic devices, totes, drums and cartons. 

Forward Dumping Mechanism

This end-effector is used to lift containers from the floor or pallets to a predefined height before offloading them.

A Guide to Workplace Musculoskeletal Disorders

infographic a guide to workplace
percent of workplace musculoskeletal disorders
graphy cost back injuries alone
The cost of back injuries alone
ic cost back injuries alone

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