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80015 Cloth Roll Handling Unit

Designed for the LIFT-O-FLEX series of Ergonomic lifters, this roll handling attachment is perfect for lifting and maneuvering cloth rolls. This roll handling attachment comes in two forms to meet your cloth roll handling needs: Vertical to Horizontal Roll Handling and Horizontal to Horizontal Roll Handling.

The Vertical to Horizontal Roll Handler uses the SQUEEZE-O-TURN end effector and standard LIFT-O-FLEX configuration.It has long grippers for better roll configuration and can easily handle large or small diameter rolls with its long grippers, which allows for better roll control.

The Horizontal to Horizontal Roll Handler uses fixed forks with a “V” block or core probe. With a fixed fork, a “V” block and a core probe, this roll handling unit is able to move rolls from pallets to be directly unloaded onto the “V” block. 

80015 Cloth Roll Handling

This vertical to horizontal roll handling unit has long grippers for better roll configuration. It can easily handle large or small diameters with better roll control without causing any damage to the material it is transporting.

A Guide to Workplace Musculoskeletal Disorders

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