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To serve you better | Now merging service and customer support with our sister company Liftsafe Engineering and Service Group.

Wall Bracket Jib Crane, 1 Ton Capacity

1-ton capacity wall bracket jib cranes are one of the most economical means of providing hoist coverage for individual use in bays, along walls or columns of plants, or as a supplement to an overhead crane or monorail system. The low dead weight of the boom and the bronze brushings and oil-impregnated bronze thrust washers provide easy rotation and superior load positioning for these jib cranes. The formed bracket fittings on these wall bracket jib cranes provide greater reliability as there are no welds in tension and all bolts are in double shear for increased strength.

Lifting Equipment

We have a variety of lifting equipment available to improve the ergonomics of your facility and reduce injuries.

A Guide to Workplace Musculoskeletal Disorders

infographic a guide to workplace
percent of workplace musculoskeletal disorders
graphy cost back injuries alone
The cost of back injuries alone
ic cost back injuries alone

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